Sunday, March 6, 2016


Treasured thoughts 
and broken words
on weathered pages 
from long ago.
Locked inside a tiny child,
a voice still speaks
child now gone
entrapped in words
for me 
to remember again 
that child
and feel again 
those memories 
to find again myself,
the me, 
nobody knows


  1. "To find again myself, the me nobody knows." This line is fantastic! I think everyone has some of that inside. To find a glimpse of it preserved in time...priceless.

  2. This makes me think of my diary. I wonder where it is, and I pray no one else has found it!

  3. Me too. I had a diary that even had a lock and key. I wish I knew where it is. I have diaries from my 20s that I still keep.

  4. What a treasure, to find the writings of your childhood. It makes me think of the time my parents came across my school journals...that may end up being a post of mine, soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I didn't have a diary, but I did keep a shoe box of really bad poetry under the bed when I was a teenager. It's always a toss up for me, between regret and relief that none of my writings survived!

  6. I didn't have a diary, but I did keep a shoe box of really bad poetry under the bed when I was a teenager. It's always a toss up for me, between regret and relief that none of my writings survived!

  7. I wish I would have kept my diary from Middle School. Thank you for the beautiful words.

  8. I love the line "the me that no one knows" if we let it our writing can be a great healing tool. Sometimes it's just hard to just get going! This slice challenge gives me the nudge that I need.

  9. Lovely words. I love that you are sharing poetry here.
